
Showing posts with the label health

The Benefits of Health Insurance: Why You Need It In Your Life

Image When you hear the word health insurance, what do you think of? For most people, the answer to that question is probably something along the lines of a monthly fee I pay to make sure I have access to health care when I need it or the act of paying money in order to have access to medical treatment at a later date. While these answers are both technically correct, they may not paint the entire picture for you and your situation. One - Affordable Healthcare As an independent contractor, it’s up to you to find your own health insurance. Many freelancers and small business owners initially balk at investing in a health plan, seeing it as an unnecessary expense. After all, if you don’t get sick or hurt yourself, why should you pay for something that won’t benefit you? The thing is, though, healthcare costs can quickly become very costly if something does happen to you. Two- Piece of Mind The peace of mind that comes

Best Diet to Lose Weight: What Works and What Doesn't.

Image     Best Diet to Lose Weight: What Works and What Doesn't. So, you want to lose weight, but you don’t know which diet to choose. You’ve heard about Paleo, Atkins, vegan, and gluten-free diets, but you’re not sure which one is right for you and your lifestyle—not to mention which one will help you lose weight the fastest. The good news is that there are lots of effective diets out there (many of which have been around for decades), so if your favorite diet isn’t cutting it, check out some of these other options and choose the one that works best for you. Cold cuts You probably already know that lots of processed meats like hot dogs, sausage, bacon, and cold cuts are high in sodium. Sodium makes your body hold onto extra water, which can make you look bloated. (Here are other common sources of hidden salt.) So go easy on these kinds of meat. You don’t need to cut them out completely—just limit them a bit i

Best Exercise for Mental Health.

Best Exercise for Mental Health Did you know that physical activity can boost your mood and make you feel happier? Sure, it’s no secret that being fit has plenty of health benefits, but many of us don’t realize that staying active may also have the ability to improve our mental health, too. There are many different forms of exercise that you can use to improve your mental health, so choose one that suits your style and goals. A good diet is key Exercise, in and of itself, won’t lift your mood if you’re not taking care of yourself in other ways. Diet is incredibly important to mental health; going too long without eating can trigger a serious bout of depression. That doesn’t mean skipping meals or never stopping at a fast food joint on your way home—just try to choose healthy options most of the time, and don’t forget to take an interest in what you’re eating. For example, focusing on eating whole foods might help prevent a future bout with seasonal affective disorder (AD). If yo