
Showing posts with the label ios16

The New Features of IOS 16

Image THE biggest overhaul here is coming to the visuals just trying to get more information more accessible to the user the first thing that they talked about was the new updated and redesigned lock screen so now these new lock screens are just more customizable you can change the different themes thedifferent colors you can actually change each of the fonts you can actually havedifferent lock screens for different purposes and that really ties into focusso for example if you have differentfocus points for say work you can have awork lock screen that swipes up into awork related home screen or home pageone for personal with maybe all yoursocial media stuff and the last one fordo not disturb so you can reallycustomize each of your lock screens andyour corresponding home page so i thinkthere'll be a lot of new home setups orthese setup videos how to customize youriphone on youtube i'm sure i'll make on