The New Features of IOS 16

THE biggest overhaul here is coming to the visuals just trying to get more information more accessible to the user the first thing that they talked about was the new updated and redesigned lock screen so now these new lock screens are just more customizable you can change the different themes thedifferent colors you can actually change each of the fonts you can actually havedifferent lock screens for different purposes and that really ties into focusso for example if you have differentfocus points for say work you can have awork lock screen that swipes up into awork related home screen or home pageone for personal with maybe all yoursocial media stuff and the last one fordo not disturb so you can reallycustomize each of your lock screens andyour corresponding home page so i thinkthere'll be a lot of new home setups orthese setup videos how to customize youriphone on youtube i'm sure i'll make onemyself but it's just interesting to sethat you have different options now alot more customizable and just gives youa ton more flexibility the next thingcoming to messages was probably actuallymine and nyx as well favorite update ofthe entire keynote so now you can

actually unsend messages i know wealways make mistakes you autocorrect tothe wrong thing you send something thatyou don't intend to you can now takeback that message or unsend it and thatnew unsend feature is actually linked tothe new mac os venture update i mightcreate a separate video on that but inthe mail app you can now actually unsendan email so once again we allaccidentally send emails withoutproofreading them or there's mistakesyou can unsend that make that quick editand resend it back out you can also edita text that has already been sent that'sreally useful if you just make a quicklittle typo just change that after it'sbeen sent or after the fact and lastlyyou can unread a group message just soyou can have it for later on in caseyou're just doing something and you're abit busythe next big change coming to dictationtypically that is just your voice andyou can't make that update with any textinput now the keyboard stays open so youcan use both your voice to dictate andmake any updates or quick changes withthe keyboard dictation now also addspunctuations and emojis so if you sayhey this is the greatest video everexclamation point happy's face smiley

face thumbs upsubscribe emoji it's my selfless plugfor the day that also is now added onereally cool thing that got a pretty bigapplause from the crowd was visual lookup so say you have a photo of i thinkthey used an example of a bulldog in astandard photo you can actually clickthe bulldog or click the dog you cancopy and paste just the dog obviously aiis built into that and send that off ina separate message or bring thatsomewhere else it'll just take the cutout or the dog or whatever image you'retrying to look up and extract that fromthat photo new updates to wallet i thinkthose are really linked to where youlive so maryland and arizona for exampleyou can now have your driver's licenseintegrated into the wallet app and thelast update to pay through the wallet ispay later so you can split your paymentinto four separate payments zerointerest and over a six week period sothe firspayment up front and then thenext three over a six week period soevery two weeks quick little maps updateonce again very dependent on whichregion you're in updated a couple newcities and a new 3d view in las vegas soi think kind of useful if you go to thecity and especially for that f1 formulrace that's going to be there next yearthat we're trying to get to would becool to see that entire circuit gothrough the strip that's what i wasthinking of a quick little photos updateyou can now share photos that you'vetaken into a family library so it's justeasier for multiple people to get accessto them and the thing that i thought wascool you can change that on a camera sosay every shot that you can take willautomatically go to that specific sharelibrary super useful actually for anevent like today if i'm sharingsomething with nick we can just have allthe photos dumped into one library andwe can just look through all thosephotos together the home app got a hugeupdate i know that we're all trying tobuild the perfect smart home as i buildout my place hopefully it is as smart assome of apple's demos but they'redivided into separate rooms and intodifferent categories so things likesmart lights humidity or i guess

temperature security you can scroll through all the different devices you have and they're working with different not only developers but brands to ensure

any device you have can still integrate into the home app and lastly car play and they didn't label this as car play 2.0which I think should receive a pretty big update because the new UI overhaul is pretty massive we'll see the updates coming to cars coming sometime at theend of next year but the entire dashboard the entire us you'll be able to customize your entire auto dashboard whether that's your tachometer whether that's your maps and really fine-tune into your personal driving style i will say it will require a card that has full digital dash that is ripped to the traditional analog tachometer part of me dies on the inside as a bit of an old score with still a six speedway still uh having three pedals, not the biggest fan but i know we're going towards that.


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