8 Top Mobile Phones of 2022 You Won't Want to Miss


Mobile phones have improved immensely over the last two decades, and now there are hundreds of different brands, models, and options out there in the marketplace to choose from. If you’re thinking about buying a new phone in 2022, this list will give you an idea of which options you should consider. I’ve personally used most of these phones, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have!

1) 5G connectivity

What is 5G connectivity? It’s not just an incremental speed bump over 4G. 5G will be an entirely new type of high-speed mobile network that’s around 100 times faster than current 4G technology and will connect everything from smartwatches to sensors in self-driving cars.

2) 4K resolution in the displays

The phones we’ll use in ten years will have 4K resolution in their displays. This means we can fit more information on a screen without having to scroll or zoom out. You’ll be able to see text, images, and video even more clearly than ever before. The better your phone’s display is, the higher its price will be, so you might have to wait a few years for these futuristic handsets. However, these cutting-edge phones are absolutely worth saving up for!

3) Capacitive touch displays

Touch screens in phones are taking hold more than ever, and not just on smartphones. Capacitive touch displays allow you to use your finger as a stylus, which opens up new ways for designers and developers to include touch technology in their designs. In two years we’ll likely see even more incorporation of capacitive touch into mobile phones.

4) Smaller bezels

In recent years, several companies have started releasing phones with smaller bezels around their screens. While it isn’t necessarily a must-have feature (it doesn’t do much for me personally), it is still something that many phone shoppers are considering when making a purchase decision. Keep an eye out for smaller bezels, as they may continue to be a growing trend.

5) Fingerprint scanner integrated into the display

Back in 2019, some high-end smartphones started integrating fingerprint scanners under their displays, but for a variety of reasons, implementation was always limited. It’s clear now that it will take some time before these futuristic features become fully adopted. In five years or so, however, you can expect them to be standard on most phones.

6) Minimalist design

Most people find these devices more comfortable and less tiring to hold than standard phones. They also take up far less space in your pocket or purse, so you’ll be carrying fewer devices around with you at all times. Plus, minimalist design makes it easier for manufacturers to shrink components like screens, batteries, and keypads down, which is a critical aspect of keeping phone sizes under control. The result? These phones are easier to use and more energy-efficient than their predecessors (and even most current smartphones).

7) Battery life of more than 24 hours

Future mobile phones will sport a new power source: wireless charging. The technology is still in its infancy, but wireless charging is poised to become mainstream by 2022. With it, batteries with more than 24 hours of life are possible. Even better: you’ll be able to juice up your device simply by placing it on a charging mat—the pads will add more juice even when you’re not using your phone! (source).


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