
Showing posts from July, 2022

Why Sri Lanka's Economy Collapsed?

let's recap this week's headlines from sri lanka bankrupt sri lanka askedcitizens abroad to send home cash 1lunken banks placed on rating watchnegative sri lanka defaults on 51billion dollars external debt there istrouble in the island paradise there ino food at least 500 000 sri lankanshave fallen into poverty in the last femonths there is no fuel there are nomedicines critical surgeries are beingcancelled doctors say the economiccrisis may kill more lunkens than kovitdid there are daily power blackouts andwide-scale protests on the streetswhat's happening in sri lanka is muchmore than an economic crisis it is ahumanitarian crisis the question is howdid it happen how did colombo lose allits moneywe will answer these questions tonighthello and welcome to gravitas plus i'palki sharmathe lunken crisis has numerousexplanationthere is a problem with the country' policy then there is politics factorsbeyond lanka's control what people liketo call fate and then

IPhone vs Android

When you’re in the market for a new smartphone, the sheer number of features and options can be overwhelming. It can feel like you have to choose between quantity and quality when it comes to things like apps, battery life, or storage space. But not to worry! In this article, we’ll do a side-by-side comparison of the best features of Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android devices so that you can make an informed decision that’s right for you—and take action right away! Notifications One area where iPhones have a clear advantage over Androids is in notifications. With iOS 12, Apple introduced grouped notifications, which makes it easier to see what's going on at a glance. You can also now snooze notifications so they come back at a later time. On Android, you can group notifications together, but you can't snooze them. Battery Life One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a smartphone is battery life. And when it comes to battery life, there is a clear winn

The New Features of IOS 16

Image THE biggest overhaul here is coming to the visuals just trying to get more information more accessible to the user the first thing that they talked about was the new updated and redesigned lock screen so now these new lock screens are just more customizable you can change the different themes thedifferent colors you can actually change each of the fonts you can actually havedifferent lock screens for different purposes and that really ties into focusso for example if you have differentfocus points for say work you can have awork lock screen that swipes up into awork related home screen or home pageone for personal with maybe all yoursocial media stuff and the last one fordo not disturb so you can reallycustomize each of your lock screens andyour corresponding home page so i thinkthere'll be a lot of new home setups orthese setup videos how to customize youriphone on youtube i'm sure i'll make on